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  • 61. be_0037_WASTE-2014-two-stage (20%)

    25-mar-2014 11.10.24

    AREA RICERCA E SVILUPPO Piazza Marina, 61 90133 PALERMO (PA) UNIVERSITA’ DI PALERMO PILLAR Societal Challenges OBIETTIVO SPECIFICO WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE AND RECOVER RAW MATERIALS MASTER CALL H2020-WASTE-2014-2015 CALL H2020-WASTE-2014-two-stage SCADENZA CALL First stage: 08 aprile 2014 Second stage: 16 settembre 2014 WASTE-2-2014: A systems approach for the reduction, recycling and reuse of food TOPICS

  • 62. be_0083_SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY OF RAW MATERIALS_1stage (20%)

    12-mar-2015 15.20.24

    AREA RICERCA E SVILUPPO Piazza Marina, 61 90133 PALERMO (PA) UNIVERSITA’ DI PALERMO PILLAR SOCIETAL CHALLENGES GROWING A LOW CARBON, RESOURCE EFFICIENT ECONOMY WITH A SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY OBIETTIVO SPECIFICO OF RAW MATERIALS MASTER CALL H2020-SC5-2014-2015 CALL H2020-SC5-2015-one-stage SCADENZA CALL 21 aprile 2015 Questo bando si inserisce in un focus più generale sull’investimento nell’innovazione nell’ambito della green economy

  • 63. be_0084_SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY OF RAW MATERIALS_2stage (20%)

    12-mar-2015 15.20.31

    AREA RICERCA E SVILUPPO Piazza Marina, 61 90133 PALERMO (PA) UNIVERSITA’ DI PALERMO PILLAR Societal Challenges GROWING A LOW CARBON, RESOURCE EFFICIENT ECONOMY WITH A SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY OBIETTIVO SPECIFICO OF RAW MATERIALS MASTER CALL H2020-SC5-2014-2015 CALL H2020-SC5-2015-two-stage SCADENZA CALL STAGE 1: 21 aprile 2015 STAGE 2: 08 settembre 2015 • SC5-07-2015: More effective ecosystem restoration in the EU • SC5-17-2015: Demonstrating

  • 64. be_0085_WASTE_2stage_21-4 e 8-9-15 (20%)

    12-mar-2015 15.20.36

    AREA RICERCA E SVILUPPO Piazza Marina, 61 90133 PALERMO (PA) UNIVERSITA’ DI PALERMO PILLAR SOCIETAL CHALLENGES OBIETTIVO SPECIFICO WASTE: A RESOURCE TO RECYCLE, REUSE AND RECOVER RAW MATERIALS MASTER CALL H2020-WASTE-2014-2015 CALL H2020-WASTE-2015-two-stage SCADENZA CALL STAGE 1: 21 aprile 2014 STAGE 2: 08 settembre 2015 • WASTE-6a-2015: Eco-innovative solutions • WASTE-6b-2015: Eco-innovative strategies TOPICS • WASTE-7-2015: Ensuring

  • 65. graphical_abstract_template_Carmelo_Morgante (20%)

    22-mag-2021 18.18.25

    present a high concentration of valuable raw materials (i.e. Magnesium, Calcium etc.). Such materials


    28-mag-2014 13.55.15

    : •   Electronic Design (HW and SW);  Stage   •   Sourcing (Raw materials, Components, Transformations

  • 67. ITA0401 Internship opportunities_ ENGINEERING - ott2014 (20%)

    1-ott-2014 13.56.28

    : - Sourcing (Raw materials, Components, Transformations);  Stage - Logistics (Production Planning

  • 68. SUA RD (20%)

    5-mag-2021 11.46.45

    raw materials; -Secure societies -protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens; -Marine

  • 69. CV Salvatore_Romano (20%)

    6-mag-2021 16.30.58

    Salvatore Romano Date of birth: 13/07/1995 Nationality: Italian Gender Male Viale Sicilia, 14, 90020, Roccapalumba (PA), Italy EDUCATION AND TRAINING 01/11/2020 – CURRENT – Italy PHD STUDENT – Università degli Studi di Palermo ◦ The valorisation of exhausted brines through the recovery of Critical Raw Materials, such as magnesium. ◦ The study of the precipitation process of magnesium hydroxide, obtained from waste brines. ◦ Experimental-modelling

  • 70. ResourSEAs vince a Modena il PNI 2016 categoria “Industrial” (20%)

    13-dic-2016 19.30.27

    di salina. Il magnesio, infatti, annoverato dalla UE tra i 20 critical raw materials, rappresenta oggi

  • 71. Carmelo Santonoceto (20%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.42

    attention has been focussed on a number of industrial crops, mainly oilseed crops, able to provide raw materials for use in food and non-food industrial sectors. On the same subjects of research, he

  • 72. Piva_Giulio (20%)

    2-mar-2017 13.06.17

    nanocrystals from lignocellulosic raw materials, for oxygen barrier coatings of food packaging film. UNDER

  • 73. 6. Giunta 08.10.2019 (20%)

    4-feb-2020 12.44.55

    for Recovery of Valuable Raw Materials” SEArcularMINE – Resp.Scient. prof. A. Cipollina; TRATTATO

  • 74. 14.Esiti del CDD del 08.10.2019 (20%)

    13-feb-2020 10.57.55

    from Saltworks for Recovery of Valuable Raw Materials” SEArcularMINE – Resp.Scient. prof


    19-giu-2020 8.46.21

    processes. Evaluation and characterization of raw materials, unitary processing operations

  • 76. 6. Esiti Giunta del 08_10_2019 ok (20%)

    5-ott-2020 12.40.46

    of Valuable Raw Materials” SEArcularMINE – Resp.Scient. prof. A. Cipollina TRATTATO POSITIVAMENTE g

  • 77. 2013TEA3_eng (20%)

    4-lug-2013 10.03.24

    competitive selection based on qualifications and interview, for the recruitment of n. 1 technologist (18 months fixed terms employment contract) Activity: technical-administrative support to the project “CAFIS”; more specifically: Definition of the scenario, the state of the art and of currently used technologies in the field of quality control of green and toasted coffee; Selection and control of raw materials (green coffee) through spectroscopic techniques (UV-visible absorption and

  • 78. Degree course in BUSINESS LEGAL CONSULTANT (Codice 2146) (20%)

    18-dic-2019 9.36.24

    information technology, as a productive factor; use technology for the supply of raw materials and

  • 79. cv prof. aiello_maria_antonietta (20%)

    7-apr-2022 12.31.09

    di Manufatti realizzati con Calcestruzzi Fibrorinforzati Eco-compatibili; Progetto CIRCE “seCondary raw materIals foR a cirCular Economy in buildings”, nell’ambito del programma POR Puglia FESR-FSE 2014-2020

  • 80. Scheda spin off - ResourSEAs (20%)

    13-dic-2022 11.48.28

    di Magnesio e critical raw materials dalle acque di rifiuto delle saline (, basato